Good morning Honey Bees!
Frosten ligger fortfarande kvar på taken här, och hela stan går och väntar sig snö. Jag tror vi får vänta några veckor till, vilket jag är tacksam över! Jag tycker om vintern, fast inte längden av den, inte heller den krypande kylan. Det ultimata skulle vara att vintern varade i december och kanske någon vecka in i januari. Helst skulle hösten ha en till månad med soliga dagar som känns varmare än vad de är på grund av färgen på träden. Hösten är min absolut bästa årstid, även om jag tycker att vintern är den vackraste.
Vilken är eran?
Idag ska jag träffa en efterlängtad vän, det blir inte så ofta eftersom de flesta av mina vänner är utspridda över hela landet. Träna ska jag göra idag med och måla lite om jag hinner. Hoppas solen skiner hos er också, ha en fin lördag!
Massa kärlek, Carolina.
The roofs is still frostbitten from the nights cold, and the whole town goes around and expecting snow. I think we'll have to wait a few more weeks, which I am grateful for! I like winter, but not the length of it, nor the creeping cold. The ultimate would be that winter lasted december and maybe a week into January. Ideally, the fall would have another month with sunny days that feel warmer than they are because of the color of the trees. Fall is by far my best season, although I think that winter is the most beautiful.
What's yours?
Today I will meet a long-awaited friend, it does not happen often nowdays, as most of my friends are scattered across the country. I should exercise today to and paint a little if I can. I hope the sun is shining in you too, have a nice Saturday!
Lots of love, Carolina.
Friday I'm in love
Picture geek
Lots of love, Carolina.
Dancing on my own
Lots of love Carolina.
Pink month
Go to to help!
I will in my own way to show that I am a part of this month to the embrace, support and participate by painting my nails pink. For those of you who do not know me, I can tell you that I always paint my nails, usually in red. This is a very small, and for many, perhaps ridiculous, gesture. But I want to draw attention to this, just like those who buy a pink ribbon for 25 SEK, and soothes their conscience that they did it two years ago and it may be enough. All contributions are important of course, and all means are good except the bad!
Find your own fun way to support breast cancer research you too!
Lots of pink love, Carolina.