Hooked on a feeling!

Publicerad 2013-05-11 10:49:00 i Allmänt, Custom made, Drawings, Flower art, I do have pretty things, Paintings,

Det finns en hel del jag älskar att göra, och dessa saker brukar oftast gå om varandra. När jag får verktygen att utföra dessa karameller så brukar det oftast bli så att jag går all in ett tag. Sen faller de bort för att livet kommer imellan, för att sedan komma ut i ljuset periodvis. Dagboken, canvasdukarna, pennorna, stången, garnet, bloggen. 
Jag sitter nu i en lånad soffa, i en solig lägenhet som förvisso också är lånad men ändå min till nyår. En spellista vid namn '1967' spelas på Spotify, ett sms om lunchdejt på stan och kaffesmak på tungan. Ja, jag sitter i min dröm, jag sitter i den i verkligeten.
Sen senast har min kreativitet och fantasi verkligen lyfts, kanske av önskan om all världens resor, vackra ting och kärlek. Kanske av allt strul och stret. Men jag är så himla lycklig, jag vill inte ändra på något just nu, kanske att ha en matsalsgrupp och en varm resa med my love, men annars inget!
Massa kärlek, Carolina.

There's a lot I love to do, and these things tend to usually cross each other. When I get the tools to perform these wonderfull things it usually becomes that I go all in for a while. Then they fall away because life interfere, and then come out into the light intermittently. The diary, the canvas, the pens, the pole, the yarn, the blog.

I am sitting in a borrowed couch, in a sunny apartment that certainly also is borrowed but mine until New Years eve. A playlist named '1967 'played on Spotify, a text with an invite to a lunch date on the town and coffee taste on the tongue. Yes, I'm in my dream, I'm sitting in it in the Real-life.

Since last time, my creativity and imagination really lifted, maybe because the desire for travel world, beautiful things and love. Perhaps of all the hassles and struggle. But I'm so happy, I do not want to change anything right now, maybe have a dining area and a trip with my love to some place warm, but otherwise no!

Lots of love, Carolina.

I've painted some walls in my mans apartment.
I've seen The perks of being a Wallflower.
I got the most wonderfull gift from New York!
I became probably the only 25 year old person in the world who owns a spinning wheel.
My beloved granfather finally was reunited with my darling grandmother, and I did my most important coffin decoration.
I moved to an amazing attic flat
Did some crochet.
Find the most amazing vintage shop!
Became a pole instructor.
I started drawing again!
I even started on a portrait, I hate portrait but when a friend ask I'll try:

- Living art

Publicerad 2012-09-23 11:33:47 i Flower art,

Det har varit väldigt mycket text och världigt lite bilder hittills och jag lovade ju tvärtom. Jag skrev även att jag är florist och antagligen skulle lägga upp något från den tiden med. Det tänkte jag göra nu, dagen till ära. Ni förstår, min mamma fyller år idag och passar det inte fint då med en blomma i cybervärlden till henne?
There has been a lot of text and verry little pictures so far and I promised the opposite. I also wrote that I am a florist and would probably post something from that time to. That is what I'm going to do now, to honor the day. You see, it's my mom's birthday today and doesn't it fit nicely with a flower in the cyber world to her on this day?
A spring inspired bridal bouquet with pink roses, dirty pink carnations,white ranunculus and texas grass.
A bridal bouquet made with mainly baby's breath, blue anemones, blue Veronica longifolia and some hazel.
Simplicity is beauty! Metal and life.
All white bridal bouquet. Ranunculus and bear grass, a knot may act as decoration.
I like contrasts. Why not rusty razor blade with sweet pastel-colored carnations?

A sad part of being a florist is that you come in contact with the funeral industry in an intimate way. However, I think it's very fun to make coffin decoration, this is a very autum inspired one with red roses, orange carnations, burgundy germini, ivy, coloured oak leafs, colored fountain grass, solidago, Cordyline, and bublerum.

The fun part of being a florist, and the most nerve wracking part, is the bridal bouquet! Here is one with white roses, freesia, lavender blue sweet pea, texas grass and some ivy. 
This bride was a rock'n'roll gal that did'nt want something romantic and fluffy. White roses, "black"calla lilies, black fethers and black coloured texas grass. The steel spiral was really tricky to attach but after a few hours I was satisfied.
Aaah, such beauty you can create with some leftovers!
Who wants to be traditional?! An all santini coverd bridal bouquet, with fun steel circles and genista that looks like peas.
This is my pride piece! I was asked by my teacher to make a wedding dress as a welcome piece for our exhibition, From tradition to trend - Bridal bouquet for a hundred years.
Jag har massvis med fler bilder att visa men jag tror jag stannar här idag, annars finns väl risken att ni blir trötta i ögat!
Massa kärlek, Carolina
I have tons of more pictures to show but I think I will stop here today, otherwise there is the risk that you get tired in the eye!
Lots of love, Carolina


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